Project Details

Lead service lines were primarily installed in the City of St. Paul from late 1880’s to the late 1920’s. For 25 years Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) has been replacing lead water service lines within the street right-of-way to reduce the possibility of lead exposure.

Private Lead Service Line Replacements: Customers in this project area who have a private lead service line are eligible to have it replaced at no cost as part of the new Lead Free SPRWS program. You should have received a letter with instructions on next steps if you qualify. To learn more visit our lead page.

In anticipation of a MNDOT Mill and Overlay Project on Minnehaha Ave E, SPRWS will be replacing all existing lead services within the street right-of way with copper pipe. This project is completely funded by SPRWS with no charge to the property owner. The scope of the project is as follows:

  • Replace approximately 180 lead services with copper pipe in the street right of way.
  • Replace lead service lines in private property for participating customers.
  • SPRWS to excavate, repair, and restore street pavement, curb, and sidewalk as needed

Minnehaha Ave E from the intersection of Mcknight Rd to the intersection of 7th St E.

Project Starting in May 2023

Project Manager: Rich Hibbard 651-266-6268


Project Documents

Project Updates

Last Edited: July 25, 2023