General Information

The division of one or more lots which creates no more than four lots is permitted by Lot Split; five or more lots requires a new plat of the property (see Platting of Property). See Lot Requirements for a summary of the general requirements for new lots.

Code Requirements

Chapter 69 of the Zoning Code defines a lot split as the division of one or more lots which creates no more than four lots. Lot splits are permitted without platting provided the following conditions are met:

  1. The lot or lots have frontage on an existing improved street (except for back lots) and access to municipal services. For back lots, an easement for pedestrian and municipal services access and house number visibility must be provided as required under 69.508(j).
  2. The lot or lots to be divided are previously platted land. [Note: If any portion of a lot is not previously platted - even if not the portion of a lot where the division is proposed - then we typically require a plat rather than a lot split.]
  3. The lot or lots meet the minimum standards for lot width and area for the zoning district in which they are located.
  4. The division of the lots shall not cause a remaining part of a lot to become a separately described tract which does not meet the minimum standards of the zoning district in which it is located or which does not have street frontage and access to municipal services.
  5. The division does not result in a split zoning classification on a single lot.
  6. The division does not result in the creation of a nonconforming structure or use.
  7. No lot shall be created where the building pad area for the principal structure has an existing slope steeper than eighteen (18) percent or where a driveway steeper than twenty (20) percent is required to reach the building site. However, the planning administrator may approve the creation of a steeper lot, as an exception to this regulation, where the steeper lot is specifically consistent with a City-approved neighborhood plan or redevelopment project.

The Planning Administrator has the authority to approve lot splits that meet all of the required conditions listed above. Where conditions (3), (6), or (7) above are not met, the applicant may apply to the Board of Zoning Appeals for consideration of a variance from the required condition(s). Additionally, lot splits in the Tree Preservation Overlay in Highwood typically require a tree preservation plan, per Zoning Code Article 67.200.

Review of lot split applications is coordinated by Paul Dubruiel, PED, 1400 City Hall Annex, 651-266-6583.

Application Requirements

You must submit an application that includes the following:

  • A completed Subdivision Review Application Form
  • Six (6) copies of a Certificate of Survey drawn to an engineers’ scale (1" = 20", 1" =30'), and one copy reduced to fit on an 11" x 17" sheet, showing the new lots and including:
    • New legal description for each new lot.
    • Scale and north direction.
    • Dimensions of the property.
    • Names and location of adjacent streets.
    • Location of existing buildings on and within 25 feet of the subject property.
    • Such other information as may be required, such as a grading plan or contour map, to fully represent the intent of the lot split or to determine if the lot split meets the intent and requirements of chapter 67. The location of existing and proposed sewer and water service to individually serve each lot should be shown on the survey to indicate how the condition for access to municipal services will be met.
  • The required fee

Please submit the above to:

Department of Planning and Economic Development 
Zoning Section 
1400 City Hall Annex 
25 Fourth Street West 
Saint Paul, MN 55102

Lot Split Fees & Inspections


Lot Split $315.00


Inspections are done as part of the building permit for any new construction. Call 651-266-9008 to reach a Zoning Inspector.


No decision of the Zoning or Planning Administrator, Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals or City Council approving a site plan, permit, variance, or other zoning approval shall be valid for a period longer than two years, unless a building permit is obtained within such period and the erection or alteration of a building is proceeding under the terms of the decision, or the use is established within such period by actual operation pursuant to the applicable conditions and requirements of the approval, unless the Zoning or Planning Administrator grants an extension not to exceed one year.

Last Edited: February 14, 2025