Introducing the EV Spot Network
The EV Spot Network is an initiative jointly undertaken by the City of Saint Paul, the City of Minneapolis, HOURCAR, and Xcel Energy. Its primary objective is to establish increased use and access to electric vehicles through on-street EV Spot Charging and Evie Community Carshare. Formerly known as the Twin Cities Electric Vehicle Mobility Network, this program enables the public to conveniently utilize and experience the benefits of electric transportation.
EV Spot Charging: The charging hubs in Saint Paul and Minneapolis are strategically positioned along public roadways and jointly managed by both cities. These hubs feature dedicated charging for Evie Carshare vehicles to conveniently charge their shared electric vehicles, as well as designated ports for members of the public to charge their privately-owned electric vehicles.
- Evie Carsharing: Evie Carsharing, operated by HOURCAR, is a unique car-sharing service operating in the Twin Cities. Unlike traditional models, Evie implements an all-electric, one-way, -floating system. This means that you have the freedom to conveniently pick up a car, travel to your desired destination, and park it on any street within the designated service area. Receive drive credit when plugged it into a green EV Spot Charger at the end of your trip.
Walking, biking, and taking public transit are still the most sustainable ways to get around, but some trips require driving a car. This car-sharing service offers a new option for sustainable transportation, complementing public transit and the Twin Cities' network of biking and walking paths.
The service also offers its members reliable car access without the cost of car ownership. Pay by the minute, hour, or day -- review the rates here. You won't need to pay for parking, insurance, or charging for the trip.
Evie Carsharing Overview
Similar to renting a car, using a car-sharing service lets you access a vehicle without having to own one. Unlike traditional car rentals, you can pick up one of many cars parked within the service area any time of day or night. Find available cars using the Evie/HOURCAR app on your smartphone.
Car-sharing makes car access a community resource, helping people save money, reducing air pollution, and lowering traffic congestion and parking demand in the area. For every car-sharing vehicle available in a community, the people of that community purchase 8 to 11 fewer cars than they did before. This lowers local air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions while protecting public health and helping slow climate change.