Saint Paul's Street Reconstruction Program
Construction Project Websites & Updates
The Street Design and Construction Division is responsible for the design, management, and inspection of all City-owned street reconstruction projects.
Each year, the City of Saint Paul reconstructs 1-to-3-miles of streets to improve street paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, landscaping, and lighting. Along with pavement improvements, public and private utilities undertake upgrades to their infrastructure to include:
- Saint Paul Regional Water Services: Lead connections and some water mains
- Public Works: Sanitary sewers
- Xcel Energy: Gas facilities
- Stormwater management: Incorporate techniques into the street infrastructure
Due to the multitude of infrastructure needs, funding constraints and construction cost inflation, the mileage of residential streets reconstructed each year has steadily fallen from 15 miles per year in 1999 to only 1-to-3-miles per year over the past 5-years.
Street Reconstruction Process
Each street reconstruction project is unique. Paving and utility work typically takes 14-weeks, but may take longer due to weather and/or unforeseen complications. Projects are underway between spring and fall each year.
- Water utility begins replacing lead connections
- Xcel Energy begins replacing gas mains
- Contractor begins street removal and begins watermain construction
- Storm sewer inlets are built
- Gravel base is placed
- Concrete curbs are placed
- Concrete driveways are poured
- Base layer of asphalt is placed
- Boulevards are prepped and sodded
- Final layer of asphalt is placed
- Street lights are installed and activated
- Trees are planted as weather permits
Public Works uses the Saint Paul Street Design Manual to implement complete streets policies and guide the design of all future street projects to create a balanced transportation network that ensures safe, efficient, and equitable travel for all users now and into the future. To access a copy of this manual, please contact city staff at 651-266-6100.
Map of Saint Paul Streets Anticipated Reconstruction Projects