Boulevard Gardens
Property owners in the City of Saint Paul are allowed to plant, care for, and maintain gardens on the boulevards adjacent to their property, with some restrictions:
- Plantings may not exceed 36 inches in height.
- Plantings must be maintained in such a way that there is no overhang or encroachment onto the sidewalk, curb, or street area.
- Plantings may include flowers, vegetables, and other plants, but not noxious weeds (Noxious weeds include the annual, biennial, and perennial plants which are deemed by the commissioner of agriculture to be injurious to public health, environment, public roads, crops, livestock, and other property, as set forth in Minn. Rules 1505.0730).
- No herbicides, pesticides, and/or fertilizers may be used in the maintenance of gardens without written approval of the City forester. Approvals will specify the type and amount of herbicide, pesticide, and/or fertilizer which is permitted.
- Property owners must have written documentation that they have contacted Gopher State One Call for utility locations 48 hours before digging, and has planned plantings which will not interfere with the utilities.
There is no permit fee required for boulevard gardens.
If you have questions on the boulevard garden ordinance or wish to notify the City of a garden not in compliance with the ordinance, contact the Department of Safety and Inspections at 651-266-8989.