The Saint Paul Police Department accepts U-Visa applications from law firms representing individuals who may qualify for a U-Visa as crime victims under federal guidelines. Though participation in the U-Visa program is completely voluntary for law enforcement agencies, the Saint Paul Police Department believes the U-Visa program fosters positive relationships between the St. Paul Police Department and the greater community. All U-Visa applications that meet the mandatory requirements are reviewed on a regular basis by a panel of three St. Paul Police Department personnel. This panel evaluates each application individually before making a determination to certify or deny the application.
Please mail your completed U-Visa applications to:
Saint Paul Police Department
Attention: Commander of Community Partnerships and Outreach Unit
367 Grove Street
Saint Paul, MN 55101
In order to apply for a U-Visa with the St. Paul Police Department, the following items must be included in the application packet:
- The Form I-918 Supplement B, (Parts 1 & 2 ONLY) filled out completely. Leave the remaining parts 3, 4, 5 and 6 BLANK. This needs to be done for each individual requesting a U-Visa.
- Cover letter from the Law Firm requesting the certification.
- ALL police reports including ALL supplements for the Case number cited in the request.
- A self-addressed, postage paid, return envelope for all items requested to be returned.
If any of the above requirements are not met, the documents will be returned to the sender (If a self- addressed stamped envelope is included) and may be resubmitted once all proper documentation is received.
A link to the U-Visa program and the I-918 Supplement B can be found at the website listed below: