The unit performs a quality control function for the department. It is responsible for reviews of policy and procedure to ensure policies in place are valid, given current trends, court decisions and the department’s goals; recommending changes as appropriate.
The unit conducts inventories of money, firearm and drug evidence and is responsible for the deposits of money and destruction of narcotics and guns. In 2014, the unit conducted 28 firearms inventories and destroyed 910 firearms, as well as evidence from 3,824 Narcotics cases involving unprocessed plant-based drugs. The unit also conducted 21 inventories of cash totaling over $270,589.00.
The unit conducts site inspections of the Headquarters building and all off-site police facilities and units. In 2014, 35 inspections were conducted. Recommendations made, following the inspections, have resulted in facility repairs, improvements in procedures and identification of security issues. A unit supervisor also coordinates scheduling and staffing for traffic control needed for large city events such as the X-Cel Energy Center and CHS Field.