Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Unit

If you have a traffic or parking concerns, please contact the Ramsey County Emergency Communications Center at 651-291-1111 or 911. This ensures all concerns are tracked and dispatched as quickly as possible. For all other questions, please call 651-266-5722.

The Traffic and Accident Investigation Unit is responsible for investigations of the 11,000+ vehicle crashes that occur in Saint Paul every year which cause in excess of $98 million dollars of damages. The majority of their work is dedicated to fatal, serious injury, hit and run accidents, gross misdemeanor and felony level DWI, and fleeing police offenses.

Saint Paul Police Officer Traffic

Our investigators specialize in scene processing, accident reconstruction and forensic mapping for court presentations. They serve as subject matter experts and have hosted national seminars in the past. We manage several specialized traffic enforcement programs such as Operation NightCAP, Safe and Sober, and Heavy Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic to improve public safety on our streets.

Investigators can be reached Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. through 4 p.m. at 651-266-5722 for more information concerning a case. If you need a copy of a police report, please contact our Records Unit 651-266-5700.

Parking Enforcement

If you have parking issues, please contact the Ramsey County Emergency Communications Center at 651-291-1111 or 911.

PEO shifts are seven days a week, 24-hours a day. Work from 7 a.m. through 11 p.m., 7 days a week. They are non-sworn employees who enforce the City's parking regulations. They also assist police officers with vehicle tows and recovering stolen cars.

Parking Enforcement Officers

Parking Enforcement is an entry-level law enforcement job. Parking Enforcement Officers (PEOs) have 4 years from the date of hire to complete a two or four-year degree, the P.O.S.T. Skills Course and become eligible to be licensed after 2 years. They then have promotional rights to the regular police academy. 

If you are interested in becoming a PEO, click here to go to the City of St. Paul Human Resource Job site.

Last Edited: February 25, 2025