The 2040 Comprehensive Plan is informed by the City’s values.
Equity and opportunity. We are a city where opportunities in education, employment, housing, health and safety are equitably distributed and not pre-determined by race, gender identity, sexual orientation or age; we are a city that creates opportunities for all residents to achieve their highest potential.
Building on our assets. We are a city that recognizes and builds on the unique human, physical and cultural assets of our diverse residents and neighborhoods.
Resiliency and sustainability. We are a city that understands the importance of environmental stewardship of our abundant natural resources.
Celebrating parks. We are a city that ensures its parks and open space system meets the needs of a growing and more diverse population and is accessible to all.
Innovation. We are a city that builds on a strong core of innovation and creativity to address our challenges, celebrate our strengths, and take advantage of our assets.
People-centered. We are a city that puts people first, recognizes and celebrates our complex and interrelated histories, and treasures our young and older residents as integral members of our community.
Health. We are a city that recognizes that everything we do impacts the health of our residents, and that housing, transportation, land use, parks and economic development opportunities need to be designed to enhance personal health.
Welcoming and safe. We are a city that welcomes all, where everyone feels safe and empowered to participate in decisions that impact them.
Growth and prosperity through density. We are a city that supports well-designed development that responds to its neighborhood context, fosters diversity and prosperity, and brings economic opportunity to all residents.
Integration and coordination. We are a city where policies, programs and departments collaborate and coordinate to provide an integrated set of services for all residents.