Traditional Neighborhood (T) Zoning Districts are widely used throughout Saint Paul, especially along transit corridors and at major intersections. First adopted in 2004, the four T Districts are intended to foster compact, higher density, walkable neighborhoods with a compatible mix of commercial and residential uses.
The T Districts allow flexibility for mixed land uses and include development and design standards to create pedestrian-oriented places. Amendments and rezonings to T2, T3, and T4 districts occurred in 2011 as part of a Zoning Study of the Central Corridor along University Avenue.
The 2040 Comprehensive Plan supports new affordable housing and compact, pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use development with flexibility to respond to changing conditions and opportunities. The proposed amendments to the Zoning Code offer an opportunity to better align the four T Districts with Comprehensive Plan goals and policies, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan’s implementation chapter and Minnesota State Law. Both call for the Zoning Code to align with the Comprehensive Plan.