2025 Summer Sports Registration

Youth summer t-ball, machine pitch, softball, baseball, and lacrosse clinic registration runs March 1-31. Register online, in-person, or over the phone by calling any recreation center.

Registration is FREE for ages 9 and up and all lacrosse offerings! 

Eliminating these fees allows Saint Paul youth to have access to quality programming, encourages healthy and active lifestyles, builds confidence, and creates community. Please note that fees apply for 8U and under but you can save by utilizing the Early Bird Discount and registering in the first 5 days of the month. All 4U, 6U, and 8U participants will receive a glove, courtesy of the Minnesota Twins! 

Register early and save with the Early Bird Discount!

  • March 1 = 25% off
  • March 2 = 20% off
  • March 3-5 = 10% off

How to register

  • In-house sports registrations for age groups 8U and younger will be registered by service area. A list of the recreation centers in each service area is listed below.
  • Municipal sports for age groups 10U and older are still registered by individual recreation center.
  • Participants may register for any service area or recreation center activity regardless of home address.

Northwest service area: Defined as North of I-94 and West of I-35E. Includes the following recreation centers: Frogtown, Hancock, Langford Park, McDonough, Northwest Como, North Dale, Rice, West Minnehaha 
Northeast service area: Defined as East of I-35E and West of Highway 61. Includes the following recreation centers: Arlington Hills, Battle Creek, Dayton's Bluff, Duluth & Case, Hazel Park, Hayden Heights, Highwood Hills, Phalen, Wilder 
South service area: Defined as South of I-94 and West of Highway 61. Includes the following recreation centers: Edgcumbe, El Rio Vista, Groveland, Highland Park, Jimmy Lee/Oxford, Linwood, Martin Luther King, Merriam Park, Palace

Registration links

Use the links below starting March 1 at 9am. 

T-ball (4U, 6U) *free glove for all participants

Please note that T-ball is adult/child and adults will be on the field with the child. 

Machine Pitch (8U) *free glove for all participants

Baseball (Boys 10U, 12U, 15U, 18U) *free for all ages!

Softball (Girls slow pitch 10U, 12U, 14U, 18U) *free for all ages!

Lacrosse Clinics (8U, 10U, 12U) *free for all ages!

Browse all youth summer sports

Participants may register on the sports team which aligns with their gender identity. Participants who do not identify as male or female may register on the sports team of their choice.

Additional Information

Last Edited: March 3, 2025