Welcome, Saint Paul Youth Program Providers!

We’re thrilled to have you explore Sprockets and join our mission to provide every young person in Saint Paul with quality after-school and summer experiences that ignite their imaginations and build skills for a bright future. By becoming a part of the Sprockets network, your organization will gain access to valuable resources while collaborating to improve the quality, accessibility, and impact of out-of-school time (OST) learning for all youth in Saint Paul.

Benefits of Partnering with Sprockets

Activator Improvement Cycle

Participate in an annual process designed to enhance the quality of your programs and the experiences of youth participants. The Activator Improvement Cycle supports organizations in collecting and using data, reflecting on successes and challenges, and informing adjustments that ensure your organization is continuously evolving to better serve Saint Paul’s youth. Ready to start? Contact Jocelyn Wiedow.

Professional Development and Network Events for Youth Workers

Grow as a youth worker through free professional development and quarterly network gatherings that are tailored for Saint Paul’s youth workers. Sprockets offers a variety of workshops on topics like program planning, youth engagement, quality practices, and more. The network gatherings provide opportunities to stay connected with the Saint Paul youth worker community to share best practices, receive updates, and connect with peers. Sign up for the Sprockets Newsletter to learn about upcoming opportunities.

Sprockets Shared Database

Access and contribute to our shared database, which stores program information across Saint Paul. This resource helps program providers make informed decisions, streamline reporting for funders, and easily analyze standardized data.

Communication Support

As an out of school time network, Sprockets serves as a way for people to connect and share information. Find all you need to know to share and receive out-of-school time information from across Saint Paul.

What is the Sprockets Shared Data System?

The Sprockets Shared Data System collects and stores information from out-of-school time (OST) providers all across St. Paul, supplying comprehensive information about the participation in OST by St. Paul youth, and illuminating the gaps in opportunities faced by St. Paul youth.

Be Part of the Sprockets Shared Data System

By participating in the Sprockets Shared Data System, we can increase our collective impact on creating successful opportunities for more youth.  Your unique username and password will give you access to your data for fundraising, board reports, and to help you manage, evaluate, and improve your programs.  Yes, your data, all in one place, in standardized reports, at no or low cost to you.

In addition, you’ll be able to compare your program data to collective information about OST programs in Saint Paul.  You’ll also be able to access Saint Paul Public Schools aggregate data for youth in your program — including test scores, attendance, and free-and-reduced price lunch status — to help inform your program offerings.

Data from Sprockets Shared Data System participants and Saint Paul Public Schools is only shared with other participating organizations in aggregate form and with no identifying characteristics.  Sprockets partners with Wilder Research to manage and evaluate the data, ensuring the highest levels of privacy protection and accurate analysis.  

For more information, or to join the Sprockets Shared Data System, contact Erik Skold at erik.skold@ci.stpaul.mn.us.

What is the Activator Commitment to Continuous Program Improvement (CPI)?

Quality out-of-school time experiences play a critical role in helping Saint Paul's youth recognize and achieve their greatest potential; that’s why committing to continuous program improvement through the Sprockets Activator Improvement Cycle is so important. Participation in the cycle helps your organization improve the quality of your programs and the outcomes and experiences of your youth participants.  

Below outlines our main CPI cycle. We also provide a summer cycle for those programs interested that start in Spring resulting in a Fall huddle.

Last Edited: January 22, 2025