Right Track YJ2 provides employer-paid internships and skills training.
YJ2 offers paid internships in business, management, administration, finance, IT, education, trades, healthcare, law and more. The YJ2 program partners with employers across industries including some of Saint Paul’s largest employers including US Bank, Xcel Energy, Region’s Hospital, and the State of Minnesota.
Right Track is always seeking new businesses to provide summer internships.
New Employer Application Summer 2025 YJ2 Employer Timeline Hub Login for Current Employers
Benefits for Employers
- Access to a talented pool of diverse youth interns at a reasonable cost (approx. $2,500 per intern)
- Opportunity to expose youth from diverse backgrounds to careers in your industry
- Recognition on Right Track materials and at events as a supporter of Saint Paul’s future workforce
- Interns are screened by Right Track and matched to positions based on interests and skills
- Interns receive work-readiness training to enhance value in the workplace
- Right Track staff are available for on-site job coaching during the internship
Employers Provide
- 6 to 9 weeks of paid employment between mid-June and mid-August
- Between 15 and 40 hours of work per week
- A minimum wage of $16.00 per hour
- Human resources management (i.e. employment verification, time cards, payroll)
- A designated supervisor to monitor intern performance
Right Track Provides
- Youth recruitment, screening, and placement
- Orientation and training for workplace supervisors
- On-site job coaching and mentorship for interns as needed