Protecting Biodiversity
Staff from Parks and Recreation Natural Resources unit manage Saint Paul parklands for invasive plant species. Invasive species are plants that are not native to the region that have the potential to harm the local ecosystem. We undertake a variety of management activities to control invasive species including mowing, hand-pulling, prescribed fires, grazing with goats, and herbicide applications. Explore on to learn more about how we're tackling invasive species in Saint Paul's natural areas.

Early detection is crucial to our efforts to control invasive species. Most invasive plant species have adaptations allowing them to reproduce and spread rapidly, so locating infestations quickly can help prevent new invasives from establishing themselves in the ecosystem. You can help us respond to infestation by reporting infestations to Saint Paul Natural Resources staff.
If you notice a possible invasive plant infestation, you can contact us via email at environment@ci.stpaul.mn.us. You can also report the infestation using the Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System, or EDDMapS, but please only do so if you are able to vouch for the accuracy of your plant identification.

Integrated Pest Management
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is the process of using multiple effective methods to control unwanted pests (e.g., buckthorn, Canadian Geese, Emerald Ash Borers). Initially, the pest situation is professionally assessed before pest management options are thoroughly evaluated and considered. The goal of IPM is to mitigate pest damage while protecting human health, the environment, and the viability of the economy.
For more information about IPM, visit the Minnesota Department of Agriculture website.
Be a part of the solution.
There are many ways members of the public can help fight invasive plants. Learning how to identify both native and invasive plants, keeping shoes and other outdoor equipment clean, reporting possible infestations, and of course volunteering. We can't stop invasive species alone; we need your help. Volunteer with natural resources to help take care of the parks that you love.