Project Overview
This project encompasses an approximate .5-mile multi-use bituminous trail along the west side of Hamline Avenue between West Highland Parkway and Montreal Avenue. The scope of work for this trail project includes a multi-use trail, ADA upgrades along Hamline Avenue, stormwater management, and landscape restoration.
Funding has been secured from the STAR (Sales Tax Revitalization) Program.
Project Updates
September 19, 2024
Due to the poor soils in the trail area, the project team has made the decision to move forward with concrete paving for the 8' wide trail rather than asphalt. Using concrete pavement will provide a more stable and accessible surface, with fewer concerns about trail heaving and movement due to tree roots and freeze/thaw cycles. The paving work will be starting on Wednesday, 9/25. Once the paving is complete, traffic control will be removed and site restoration will begin. An update will be posted here when the trail is open and ready for use. Please note that parts of this trail are used for winter recreation including fat tire biking and cross country skiing. Because of this, the trail will not be plowed through the winter. We appreciate your patience through this process!
September 12, 2024
This season's wet conditions and the poor soils on-site have slowed down progress on construction of the trail. Currently, the trail area has been excavated, and the rock base has been installed. Staff are working to determine a schedule for completion of the trail, landscape restoration, and traffic control as we move into fall. Check back here for more information. We appreciate your patience!
June 28, 2024
Construction on the east side of Hamline Ave. will be starting this weekend and going through next week on the new ADA curb ramps. 'Sidewalk closed' signs will be posted in areas to avoid.
June 2024
Construction on the Hamline Avenue Trail will be starting next week! Work will begin on the pedestrian ramps on the east side of Hamline Avenue, and will move the west side to begin work on the trail and pedestrian ramps later this summer. Check back for construction updates throughout the summer!
March 2024
Project staff attended the Highland District Council Development Committee on March 19, 2024 to provide an update on the project status as well as an overview of the proposed improvements. A link to the slides that were shared at the meeting can be found below:
Project Area

Tentative Schedule:
June: Design Development
July-October: Construction Documents
November: Bidding
December: Construction Contract (pending bids)
Spring 2024: Construction Begins
Construction anticipated to be complete by Fall 2024.
Note that other reconstruction projects are occurring near this project site this year. Information about the Griggs-Scheffer Reconstruction project can be found HERE.