Every year, the City of Saint Paul celebrates building owners, managers, engineers, and others at the annual Recognition Ceremony for their work and leadership in energy efficiency. The City’s energy benchmarking ordinance requires all buildings over 50,000 square feet to benchmark their energy and water usage annually. The Energize Saint Paul team formally recognizes the building owners and managers who go above and beyond by fully benchmarking their buildings and demonstrating leadership in energy efficiency. The City’s criteria for recognition vary from year to year, but recognition is often given to buildings that obtain an ENERGY STAR Certification, achieve a high ENERGY STAR score, or reduce their Energy Use Intensity (EUI) through capital improvements and energy management.
The energy used in buildings is currently one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in Saint Paul. The work that building operators do every year to track their energy use and make energy efficiency improvements to their buildings contributes directly to the City of Saint Paul’s goal of combatting climate change and reaching carbon neutrality by 2050.
2023 Recognition
The Energize Saint Paul team was thrilled to host the 2023 Recognition Ceremony at Summit Brewing, celebrating a significant milestone in the city's sustainability efforts. In the past year, a total of 627 buildings participated in benchmarking initiatives, contributing to a remarkable 91% compliance rate. This achievement places Saint Paul among the top cities in Minnesota with benchmarking policies, showcasing its commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable practices.
Click here to see the 2023 Benchmarking Report

Energy Efficiency Change Makers
The Verdant, Sherman Associates
The Lumin at Highland Bridge, CommonBond Communities
The Communities of River Crossing, Stonebridge
ENERGY STAR Certifications Achieved in 2022
Spruce Tree Center, MetroPlains Management
Infor Commons, Frauenshuh, Inc
401 Securian & 400 Building, Cushman & Wakefield
Cosmopolitan Apartments, Cushman & Wakefield
First National Bank, EnergyPrint
Golden Rule Building, Commercial Real Estate Services
Penfield Apartments, Village Green Management
Wells Fargo Place, Unilev Management Corp.
2022 Recognition
The Energize Saint Paul team along with Mayor Carter were excited to host the 2022 Recognition Ceremony at Lake Monster Brewing as the first in-person ceremony since 2020. More than 600 buildings were benchmarked this year, helping us achieve a 90% compliance rate, one of the highest compliance rates among cities in Minnesota with benchmarking policies.
Click here to see the 2022 Benchmarking Report

ENERGY STAR Certifications Achieved in 2021
Penfield Apartments, Village Green Management
401 Securian & 400 Building, Cushman & Wakefield/ Northmarq
Prior Works, Green Expectations
Travelers, Travelers
Infor Commons, Frauenshuh, Inc
Spruce Tree Center, MetroPlains Management
Energy Efficiency Change Makers
Court International, Suntide Commercial Realty
Energy management system optimization and more - reduced energy use by nearly 40% in three years.
1246 University Ave West, Nuway
Heating and cooling system replacement and more - reduced energy use by 24% in one year.
2021 Recognition
This year, Saint Paul’s energy efficiency leaders were celebrated virtually at the 2021 Recognition Ceremony, which was once again held online due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. 2021 also marked the first year that all buildings 50,000 square feet and larger were required to benchmark, which nearly doubled the pool of buildings eligible for recognition.

ENERGY STAR Certifications Achieved in 2020
Wells Fargo Place, Unilev Management Corp
Travelers, Travelers
401 Securian & 400 Building, Minnesota Life
Infor Commons, Frauenshuh, Inc
Prior Works, Musson Contracting
808 Berry Place, Dominium
The Golden Rule Building, Commercial Real Estate Services, Inc.
Penfield Apartments, LaSalle Investment Management
The Residences at Custom House, Steven Scott Management
Dept. of Human Services, Colliers International and State of Minnesota
Dept. of Natural Resources, Colliers International and State of Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency, Colliers International and State of Minnesota
Dept. of Labor and Industry, Colliers International and State of Minnesota
LEED Certifications Achieved in 2020
401 Securian, Minnesota Life
Silver, LEED v4: Operations and Maintenance
Infor Commons, Frauenshuh, Inc.
Recertified, LEED v4: Operations and Maintenance
Tommie North Residence Hall, University of St. Thomas
Silver, LEED v4 BD+C: New Construction
Tommie East Residence Hall, University of St. Thomas
Platinum, LEED V4 BD+C: Homes and Multifamily Midrise
2020 Recognition
The 2020 Recognition Ceremony differed from previous years for a few reasons. Due to COVID-19, it was the first ceremony to be held virtually. 2020 also marked the first year of the City ordinance requiring buildings at or above 100,000 square feet to benchmark their energy use.
ENERGY STAR Scores over 95, Commercial
Travelers South, Travelers Saint Paul
Energy Technology Center, Wellington Management
The Golden Rule, Commercial Real Estate Services Inc.
ENERGY STAR Scores Over 95, Multifamily
Stuart Co.
Synergy Conservice
Steven Scott
Excelsior Management
Peak Campus
Mid Continent Management
Participants in Energy Concierge Service to Date
Halverson Blaiser Group
Wellington Management
Community Action Partnership of Ramsey and Washington County
PaLu Enterprises