Twin Cities Section 3 Collaborative

The Twin Cities Section 3 Collaborative empowers Twin Cities metro area Low Income and Public Housing Residents and Businesses to connect to jobs, training opportunities, contracting opportunities, and apply for Section 3 certification.  The Collaborative consists of the City of Saint Paul, Anoka County, Washington Community Development Agency, the Dakota County Community Development Agency, and the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency.  The purpose of the Collaborative is to consolidate resources and be a One-Stop Shop for all things Section 3 in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area.  What this means is when you get certified with the Collaborative, your Business and/or Worker certification is reciprocated with any of the participating agencies and offices in the Collaborative.  Furthermore, you can use the information here to gain access to jobs, training, and contracting opportunities offered by any of the Collaborative members and more.

Register today!

Register today as a Section 3 Worker/Targeted Worker OR as a Business

For faster processing, please print out applications below, complete it legibly, and email it to Jef Yang at jef.yang@ci.stpaul.mn.us.

Last Edited: February 27, 2025