An evaluation of each employee's performance shall be completed which shall have reference to the quality and quantity of work done, the manner in which the service is rendered, the faithfulness of the employee to their duties, and such other characteristics that will measure the value of the employee to the City service.
Employees shall be evaluated by supervisors who are in the best position to judge their work and conduct, and the evaluations shall be reviewed by the department director.
The performance evaluation shall be discussed with the employee for the purpose of encouraging the employee who has performed well and also for affording an opportunity to recommend improvements to employees with weaknesses. Both the employee and the supervisor shall sign the performance evaluation form. Performance evaluations shall be completed once a year as scheduled by the Office of Human Resources. An employee whose overall performance is evaluated as "unsatisfactory" shall have his performance re-evaluated at the end of four months from the unsatisfactory report and again at four month intervals if it continues to be unsatisfactory.
At any time between rating periods, special unscheduled reports may be filed. The unscheduled report may also be filed when an employee's performance becomes so unsatisfactory that a counseling session becomes necessary, and a record of the conference is desirable before further disciplinary actions are taken. Said unscheduled reports may be made at the department's discretion.
If a department head chooses to change an employee's performance appraisal rating, a special notice shall be required which contains the reasons for the change in the rating. This notice must be sent back to the employee and the rater for their information and signature, and a copy of the signed form must be sent to the Office of Human Resources.
As part of the performance evaluation, a summary rating of one of the following shall be given to each employee:
Satisfactory - indicates that the employee's work performance either for the item or overall meets the standards expected for the assigned work. This rating is given to an employee whose work effectiveness is judged to be reasonable, adequate and acceptable
Unsatisfactory - indicates that the performance for the item or overall falls short of the acceptable standards for the assigned work. This rating indicates that increased effort, special training or other special attention is now in order.