Executive Order E-38 Dated 12/21/90

Pursuant to Chapter three of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the following authority is established in a severe weather condition.

  1. In cases of severe weather, the mayor or designee may authorize the closing of City offices or departments.
  2. In those cases where the offices or departments are closed, there will be no payment for time off. However, employees may utilize vacation, holiday, or compensatory time for payment for such hours.
  3. In cases of severe weather, department and office directors may release employees early or advise employees who have not yet reported to work that they need not report. Those employees designated as essential employees by the department or office director will be expected to remain at, or report to work during such severe weather situations.
  4. Supervisors are responsible for securing or arranging to secure, offices or facilities not staffed as a result of a severe weather situation.

It is the responsibility of the department or office director to advise all of your employees relative to the terms of the City's Adverse Weather Policy. At the same time, you should review your department/office's procedures to determine whether they conform to a City-declared adverse weather condition. It should be made clear to employees whether they are determined to be essential or non-essential employees for the purposes of the City policy. This classification by the department or office director then determines whether employees are "required" to report or not. The emergency broadcasting station used by the City of Saint Paul is WCCO Radio, 830 AM on the radio dial. In the cases of severe weather, employees should tune into WCCO to hear whether the City is operating under the terms of our Adverse Weather Policy.

Last Edited: November 26, 2024