Bondholder Disclosures

Please refer to Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA) for disclosure documents on specific bonds. Email us with any questions.

Joint Debt Advisory Committee Reports

The Joint Debt Advisory Committee ("JDAC"), an ad-hoc group of the Joint Property Tax Advisory Committee, works on cross-jurisdiction communication, planning, and coordination regarding debt issuances. JDAC's goal is to coordinate and monitor the impact of general obligation, property tax supported bonds in the City of Saint Paul. 

More Information about JPTAC can be found here: Joint Property Tax Advisory Committee

Sewer Revenue Green Bond Reports

The City began its Green Bond financing program in 2015 to fund its annual capital improvement and maintenance projects for the Sanitary and Storm Sewer Utility. The capital projects funded by these Green bonds reduce the amount of untreated sewage and storm water that enter the environment and reduce the amount of clean water entering the treatment system.

The first Green Bond report was published in May of 2016. The City plans to update this report annually, or until the proceeds of a series have been spent.

Port Authority Sustainability Bond Reports

The Port Authority sold Tax-Exempt G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-1 and Taxable G.O. Bonds, Series 2022-2 on March 10, 2022. The Bonds will finance the Emerald Ash Borer Project (“the EAB Project”), in response to the ongoing Emerald Ash Borer (“EAB”) infestation, and pay costs of issuance and capitalized interest. Bond proceeds will cover the following components of the EAB Project: all costs of tree removal (including disposal and land prep) on boulevards, public rights-of-way, and other city-owned land and the purchase of new trees with a one-year warranty. The City and the Port Authority are also creating a jobs program related to tree replanting. Without the EAB Project, the City could lose one fifth of its green space, which would have adverse localized consequences, including: losses in property value, weakened resilience to natural disasters, heightened urban heat island effects, public health challenges, and more.

The City has set an ambitious goal to exceed 1:1 replanting by planting 13,000 trees—2,000 more trees than will be lost to EAB. The City’s implementation of the EAB Project centers on equitable distribution by prioritizing neighborhoods with low tree canopy, which are predominantly BIPOC communities. Addressing the EAB infestation in the City is urgent: the overall physical and environmental health of the City and the public health of its residents are at stake. The EAB Project advances the survival and sustainability of the City’s urban forest. Per a Second Party Opinion from Kestrel Verifiers, the EAB Project is an eligible project as defined by the Sustainability Bond Guidelines in the following project categories: Environmentally Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, Response to Human Impact on Ecosystems, Equitable Access to Ecosystem Services and Equitable Access to Jobs & Employment. 

The first Sustainability Bond Report was published in the Summer of 2023. The City and the Port Authority, plan to update this report annually, or until the proceeds of a series have been spent.

Policies and Procedures

Last Edited: January 10, 2025