Volunteering for a Disaster
There are many ways you can volunteer before, during, and after a disaster. Below are some organizations you can volunteer with. There are many others you can find and volunteer with. Visit the following voluntary agencies and learn more about volunteer opportunities within their organization.
American Red Cross
The Salvation ArmyFrom its inception, The Salvation Army has relied heavily on volunteers in all of its programs. Often referred to as “the army behind The Army," volunteers play a crucial role in The Salvation Army's ability to strengthen and extend its services throughout the community.Volunteers are valuable assets in The Salvation Army's efforts to meet the changing needs of our community. Through the skills and experience they bring to The Army, volunteers make significant contributions not only in terms of time, but also in terms of the impact on the lives of those they assist. |
Team Rubicon
Catholic Charities
Today, Catholic Charities is the largest comprehensive social service nonprofit in the greater Minneapolis-St. Paul region, serving thousands of people through 36 different programs at over 17 locations. |
Lutheran Social Services
Mission - Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota expresses the love of Christ for all people through service that inspires hope, changes lives and builds community. |
Citizen Corps
Metro SkywarnWhen the severe weather sirens sound do you:
If you run to the porch you may be a great candidate for weather spotting through SKYWARN®. Although SKYWARN® is advertised as an amateur radio program it is open to all people interested in amateur radio and weather spotting. For more information check out the Metro SKYWARN® website or National Weather Service website on the SKYWARN® program Contact Saint Paul Emergency Management for training schedules within the city. 651-266-5494 |
HandsOn Twin CitiesHandsOn Twin Cities is the Twin Cities only full service volunteer center that both promotes and facilitates volunteerism while improving the community’s ability to create more impact with the time generously given by volunteers. We work with all types of volunteers, companies and nonprofit affiliates to ensure that every hour spent in the community is valuable.For people who want to volunteer we promote local, organized and relevant volunteer opportunities at nonprofits that know how to work with volunteers. |
Minnesota Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (MNVOAD), is the counterpart for the state of Minnesota to National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD). During times of disaster, MNVOAD member organizations independently provide a variety of relief and recovery services to victims. MNVOAD facilitates improved service delivery by fostering cooperation, coordination, communication and collaboration (the 4 Cs) between voluntary agencies, government and the greater community. Are you and Organization that would like to partner with MN VOAD? Would you like to help? Click here to learn more |