No police tow may be taken to a storage facility or holding area controlled in total or in part by said contractor, or to any location for holding or storage from which said contractor receives any form of remuneration.
Vehicles may be taken to the following locations as specified:
- Recovered stolen vehicles, vehicles towed as the result of an arrest, abandoned vehicles, vehicles involved in a fatal or possible fatal accident and vehicles towed for violation of a law or ordinance may be towed only to the impound lot, any designated overflow lots, the police headquarters (367 Grove St.), public safety garage (1675 Energy Park Dr.), and any location within the City of Saint Paul upon direction by impound or police department personnel, and remain in police custody.
- Vehicles involved in accidents when the owner/operator is on the scene and the vehicle is not considered evidence, may be privately towed.
o Officers shall not make any recommendations to a specific towing company. However, officers may make every attempt to help a vehicle owner/operator contact a towing company of their choosing.
- The owner/operator of a vehicle involved in a crash may request the vehicle be towed by an officer to the impound lot.
General Tow Contractor Requirements:
- Contractors shall provide a rapid response time of thirty minutes or less for all tows except B-tows.
- Contractors shall sweep the street of glass and debris at the accident scene.
- Contractors, their agents or employees, are specifically forbidden to solicit tows or to suggest in any way a garage, body shop or place where a vehicle should be towed to and from the scene of a police tow.
- Contractors, their agents or employees must obey the rules of the contract and all rules of the impound lot.
- Contractors must respond to the tow scene with the proper equipment for the dispatched tow. Squads should request special equipment if required.
The contractors will keep all records as may be required by the city. The contractor will submit at the end of each month invoices indicating the services performed under the contract to the department of police.
Revised June 7, 2016