The Amber Alert Program is a voluntary partnership with other law enforcement agencies, broadcasters, transportation agencies and the wireless industry to focus public attention on a kidnapping investigation. The Amber Alert protocol shall be initiated when the elements listed in the procedure section are satisfied.
The commander of the family and sexual violence unit (F.S.V.U.) shall be responsible for the Amber Alert Program. However, command responsibility during an Amber Alert incident shall apply as follows (See General Order 193.19: Field Supervision):
- If an Amber Alert occurs during an investigation already underway, the commander of the unit the investigation is assigned to shall have responsibility and authority for the incident.
- If the Amber Alert occurs after regular business hours or on a weekend or a holiday, the watch commander shall have responsibility and authority for the incident. Depending on the scope of the operation, the watch commander may request of the chief or assistant chiefs that command responsibility be assigned to another commanding officer in order to allow the watch commander to attend to the regular duties of that office.
- If the Amber Alert occurs when no commanding officer is available, the first-line supervisor shall have responsibility and authority for the incident until such time as a commanding officer relieves the supervisor of command. The first-line supervisor shall contact the on-call Chief and request a commanding officer be assigned to assume command of the incident.
- Command responsibility may be turned over to the commander of F.S.V.U. at the discretion of the chief or assistant chiefs.
At the conclusion of an investigation, the commander in charge shall hold an after-action meeting with personnel involved during the investigation. The commander will submit an after-action report to the assistant chief of the major crimes division.
Abduction Response Team (ART):
This is a group of investigators specially trained for kidnapping investigations. An investigator from the major crimes division shall be appointed coordinator and will work in cooperation with the F.S.V.U. commander. This coordinator will be responsible for the following tasks:
- Personnel call-backs
- Conduct a quarterly readiness meeting
- Co-chair any after-action critique
- Organize a yearly training exercise
Personnel Assigned to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC):
A three ring binder containing all essential forms will be maintained in the EOC at the coordinator desk. A duplicate binder will be placed at the watch commanders office.
When the EOC is activated to receive incoming tip calls, an Amber Alert Phone Tip Sheet shall be used to record information. These sheets will be forwarded to investigators as necessary.
EOC personnel and investigators shall keep the commander in charge informed of investigative developments. Updates to the investigation will be disseminated outside the agency at the discretion of the commander in charge.
Technical Assistance:
S.I.U., F.S.V.U. and homicide/robbery, and missing persons have technological capabilities, knowledge and relationships which may be useful during the investigation.
The public information officer shall coordinate the use of social media outlets as directed by the commander in charge of the investigation.
Command Authority:
The commander of F.S.V.U. shall be responsible for the Amber Alert program. However, command responsibility during an Amber Alert incident shall apply as follows (See General Order 193.19: Field Supervision):
- If an Amber Alert occurs during an investigation already underway, the commander of the unit the investigation is assigned to shall have responsibility and authority for the incident.
- If the Amber Alert occurs after regular business hours or on a weekend or a holiday, the watch commander shall have responsibility and authority for the incident. Depending on the scope of the operation, the watch commander may request of the chief or assistant chiefs that command responsibility be assigned to another commanding officer in order to allow the watch commander to attend to the regular duties of that office.
- If the Amber Alert occurs when no commanding officer is available, the first-line supervisor shall have responsibility and authority for the incident until such time as a commanding officer relieves the supervisor of command. The first-line supervisor shall contact the on-call chief and request a commanding officer be assigned to assume command of the incident.
- Command responsibility may be turned over to the commander of F.S.V.U. at the discretion of the chief or assistant chiefs.
At the conclusion of an investigation, the commander in charge shall hold an after-action meeting with personnel involved during the investigation. That commander will submit a detailed report to the assistant chief of the major crimes division.
Primary Officer - Amber Alert Criteria:
When a missing child is reported time is of the essence. The first-line supervisor, or the commander in charge of a unit investigating an associated crime, shall be notified immediately of such a report. It is the responsibility of the primary investigating officer / supervisor to determine if the Amber Alert criteria listed below are met.
Is the missing person 17 years of age or younger?
- If the answer is yes, proceed to the next question.
- If the answer is no, the Amber Alert protocol should not be used. This may be a missing person investigation. (See General Order 435.00: Missing Persons)
Is the missing child a victim of a stranger abduction?
- If the answer is yes, immediately go to the Amber Alert Plan form
- If the answer is no, proceed to the next question.
Is there a reasonable fear of death or great bodily harm?
- If the answer is yes, the primary squad shall complete the Amber Alert Plan form and deliver it to the first-line supervisor.
- If the answer is no, the Amber Alert Protocol should not be used. (See General Order 435.00: Missing Persons or file a Deprivation of Parental Rights Report)
First Line Supervisor:
If the Amber Alert criteria listed above are satisfied, the commander in charge of the district, the initiating investigative unit and / or the watch commander shall be notified immediately.
The first-line supervisor shall undertake these actions immediately:
- Ensure the Amber Alert packet is filled out completely.
- Forward the completed Amber Alert form to the commander in charge. A copy of the form shall also be delivered to the watch commanders desk for their information and reference.
- Attempt to secure a photograph of the victim as soon as possible and provide it to the watch commander or the commander in charge of the Amber Alert
- Continue supervising the investigation.
If no commander or watch commander is available, the first line supervisor shall go to the watch commanders office and initiate the command responsibilities listed below until relieved by a commanding officer.
Command Responsibilities:
The person in command of the Amber Alert shall immediately complete the following tasks.
- Notify the on-call chief, F.S.V.U. commander, district commander and/or watch commander as necessary.
- Notify the abduction response team (ART) coordinator who shall be directed to immediately initiate an ART call-back.
- Contact the RCECC Supervisor and provide the missing person information for immediate entry into NCIC and a KOPS alert.
- The BCA will not issue an Amber Alert until the missing person information is entered into NCIC.
- Notify the Minnesota BCA Duty Officer at [redacted].
- Assign a department employee to act as a scribe.
A. The scribe will accompany the commander and make notes of telephone calls made and received, times of command actions, investigative developments or complete other tasks until relieved of that duty.
B. Direct the scribe to ensure notification of the following persons:
1. Chief of police, and on-call assistant chief
2. Homicide unit commander
3. Youth services section commander
4. Missing persons coordinator
C. Fax Amber Alert bulletin to the EOC [redacted].
D. Notify all command personnel about the activation of an Amber Alert. Commanders shall anticipate the need to activate their personnel in support of a long term investigation and await further instructions.
1. [Redacted]
2. [Redacted]
7. Direct an available patrol supervisor to open the Emergency Operations Center.
A. [Redacted].
B. Notify the Emergency Manager [redacted] that the EOC is opening.
C. Establish a sign-in sheet for all personnel entering the EOC.
D. At a minimum, two department personnel shall be assigned - Make staffing adjustments as necessary. RCECC may also provide staff for the tip line.
E. Notify RCECC supervision the EOC is available to receive tip calls at [redacted].
F. EOC Administrative line is [redacted].
G. EOC Fax line is [redacted].
H. Brief the public information officer.
Subpoenas and Court Orders:
Regardless of exigency, a court order must be granted by a judge in district court before a cellular provider will participate in any mobile device tracking. This includes tracking vehicles outfitted with cellular telephone technology.
An Administrative Subpoena may be used to obtain general subscriber information for cellular telephones. See the ECC supervisor for help making an exigent circumstances demand for urgent access to subscriber information. Information for cell phone provider information may be found at this link: [Redacted].
Amber Alert Conclusion:
When the child is located, the commander in charge shall ensure these notifications are made immediately:
- Update SPPD personnel listed in the sections above
- Relay recovery information to the RCECC Supervisor
- Relay recovery information to BCA Duty Officer
- Media outlets to be updated by public information officer
Effective July 1, 2011