Mobile Field Force (MFF) is a team of peace officers specially trained to provide public safety crowd management.


MFF officers are trained to use group de-escalation, negotiation, and crowd management to facilitate safe environments for public speech. MFF officers use layered responses based on observed behavior and continual safety assessments. 


The chief or his or her designee is responsible for activating the MFF. The senior commander of the Special Operations Unit (SOU) will be assigned as the event incident commander. The SOU senior commander may designate a MFF commander to assist with tactical operations. 

Commander Responsibilities and Duties:

The incident commander is responsible for scene operations during MFF activations. The incident commander will work with the MFF commander to coordinate activities through the incident command system. The MFF commander must determine and control MFF tactical operations. If exigent circumstances prevent consultation with the incident commander, the MFF commander may use MFF tactics and specialty tools to protect life or prevent personal injury or substantial property damage.

The MFF commander is responsible to restore order in the most reasonable manner possible, using sound tactics and equipment necessary to protect life and personal safety, deter criminal behavior, and prevent property damage. MFF responses will employ a layered approach based on SOU preparation, training, and tactics (438.18). Event decision-making, roles, and responsibilities will be assigned according to the incident management system if possible.

The MFF commander will make the most efficient use of available department resources. If more resources are needed, the MFF commander may request mutual aid assistance through the in-charge assistant or deputy chief. The Chief of Police must approve all requests for mutual aid.

The MFF commander or designee will document all MFF deployments in an original incident report. The MFF commander or designee’s written report will describe the incident in detail and the reasons for MFF deployment. Officers who are directed to make arrests or who use force must complete an individual report for each arrest or use of force. 

Responsibilities of M.F.F. Members:

Peace officers designated as MFF team members during their normal tour of duty will be responsible to their unit or district supervisors. If a full or partial deployment is necessary, officers will report to the MFF commander. Peace officers who are not assigned to the MFF team but deployed as part of an incident will also report to the MFF commander.

Mass Arrest and Booking:

The department may arrest individuals as reasonable and necessary. When possible, verbal warnings must be given to individuals before they are arrested. The MFF commander is responsible to ensure adequate mass arrest warnings are issued before arrests begin.

If arrests are imminent the MFF commander will identify a booking team sergeant to oversee the booking process. The booking team sergeant is responsible to arrange arrestee transportation and ensure that appropriate paperwork is associated with arrested individuals. The MFF commander will also assign an investigator to manage arrests from the field through the booking process. The incident investigator will be assigned cases arising from the incident. 

The booking team sergeant and incident investigator will report to the MFF commander during the incident. The booking team sergeant and incident investigator will work collaboratively to ensure that appropriate resources are identified to process and transport suspects from the field to a holding or booking site. The booking team sergeant and investigative sergeant will follow the MFF automated booking procedures. The investigative sergeant is responsible to ensure the following are completed for every arrest:  

Booking photo

DVS and warrant check

BCA criminal history

Authority to detain

Copy of the citation – with probable cause statement from the arresting officer

The booking team sergeant will supervise the collection and custody of evidence associated with arrested individuals to protect chain of custody and case integrity. 

Media Relations:

The public information officer (PIO) will maintain close contact with the SOU commander or the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), when activated, and act as the media point of contact. The PIO will work closely with the chief or his or her designee to ensure transparent communication and public safety messaging using various communication outlets, including social media. 

Mutual Aid and/or National Guard Assistance:

The chief must approve all mutual aid requests.

MFF Specialized Equipment:

The department provides specialized MFF equipment. The SOU commander or designee is responsible to maintain MFF equipment and conduct an annual equipment inventory.  The SOU commander or designee will ensure no expired equipment is deployed.

Specialty Munitions:

Specialty munitions may be used by MFF team members to manage violent or felony conduct. The use of specialty munitions must be approved by an assistant or deputy chief, unless there are exigent circumstances requiring immediate action to protect life or prevent personal injury or substantial property damage. 


Police vehicles are essential in MFF activations. The fleet unit sergeant will work collaboratively with the SOU commander to meet operational needs for fleet resources throughout an event. 


The department is committed to training. The MFF team will maintain competency through training on department philosophy, emergency response, event planning, crowd management, operational methods, and tactics. Training will be provided when practical to ensure team preparedness.

 Effective March 21, 2017

Last Edited: July 22, 2020